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Global Assist Polyclinic Funding & Management Solutions

Support Child & Youth Development Programs Across the Country


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What We Need

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Our Mission

To provide better opportunities for education and childcare to help reverse these negative trends and support a strong future for American children.

And that’s where you come in.

Why Your Help Matters

The costs for childcare services and staffing have raised due to inflation, causing a surge in tuition, and working wages. Although wages have increased, many centers struggle to hire eligible staff, which leads to mandatory closures of classrooms. With a limited amount of classroom occupancy, parents must face the raise in service prices and the uncertainty of long enrollment waitlists.

Due to these realities, childcare centers are forced to close as they involuntarily drive parents away while also failing to retain enough personnel.

These closures impact everyone: the owners of these small businesses, their employees, young people, and the communities they belong to. We need to act now to ensure that these high-quality organizations providing education and developmental support to disadvantaged children can pay for operating expenses and resources, retain their employees, and keep their programs open for the long term.